R.I.P. Vibrant City Invercargill

7 Oct

Can anyone provide a date or any more information?


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8 Responses to “R.I.P. Vibrant City Invercargill”

  1. cracker666 October 7, 2013 at 9:58 pm #

    June 5 1998.

    • Kylie October 7, 2013 at 10:03 pm #

      How the hell do you know that so quickly? Awesome memory recall or an excellent filing system?

      • cracker666 October 7, 2013 at 10:06 pm #

        Photographic memory.

      • Kylie October 7, 2013 at 10:21 pm #

        So you don’t want to share then? Or were you just providing A date? Should I be more specific next time?
        Does anyone know what date this cartoon was run in the Southland Times? Is your answer still correct?

  2. cracker666 October 7, 2013 at 10:34 pm #

    June 8 1998:
    ONE of the potential threats to an early start on the proposed leisure centre at Surrey Park in Invercargill has been withdrawn.
    Vibrant Invercargill’s board has decided not to formally oppose an application for resource consent to let the centre be sited at the park.
    However, chairman Murray Mouat said Vibrant Invercargill would still prefer an inner city venue for the $8.5 million project.
    The complex had the potential to have a major impact on the city, Mr Mouat said.
    “And in Vibrant’s view it is vital to the success of the centre and the city that the correct site is chosen.”
    The Invercargill City Council had already been criticised for displaying a lack of leadership in the way it had handled recent major developments, such as The Warehouse and Splash Palace, Mr Mouat said.
    Similar criticisms in respect of the leisure centre would be avoided if an evaluation of the most appropriate site was carried out as part of a strategic plan for the city’s sporting and leisure needs.
    “Facilities such as the events centre need to be strategically located where they will have the maximum benefit for the whole community,” Mr Mouat said.
    Vibrant Invercargill believed there was greater public support for a centrally located complex.
    Leisure centre committee chairman Ray Harper said he was delighted Vibrant Invercargill would not lodge a formal objection.
    The centre committee had decided Surrey Park was the best site after employing professionals to make recommendations and conducting extensive discussions with the public and the city council.
    But it would be sports people who would benefit most from Vibrant Invercargill’s decision, Mr Harper said.
    “Because we will be able to get cracking and start the building in late August and hopefully be ready for next winter and that would be marvellous.”
    Invercargill Mayor David Harrington conceded there was no strategic plan on the city’s sporting and leisure needs but he was comfortable with the information supporting the Surrey Park site with which councillors had been presented.

  3. cracker666 October 7, 2013 at 10:36 pm #

    The cartoon didn’t appear in the Times first, though:
    THE Invercargill City Council yesterday ordered a review of its involvement with Vibrant Invercargill.
    At a special meeting councillors agreed a recent incident involving a cartoon had tarnished the board’s credibility.
    Cr Don Mowat even drew a parallel with Watergate, saying board members could not absolve themselves of involvement in the “mischief-making.”
    The board is partly funded by the council, which is now looking at possible alternatives to get the $8 million inner city rejuvenation back on track.
    For its part, Vibrant Invercargill has called an emergency meeting today.
    The controversy centres on a cartoon that mocks the council and Invercargill Licensing Trust and was faxed throughout the city with the council’s fax header at the top of the page.
    There has also been a distinct cooling of relations between the council and Vibrant Invercargill over a decision to build the indoor leisure centre at Surrey Park instead of in the inner city.
    Vibrant co-ordinator Alana Reid last week apologised and admitted full responsibility for commissioning and faxing the cartoon.
    At the time the Vibrant board denied involvement.
    At yesterday’s meeting Cr Ian Capitaneas said Vibrant was not representative of the business community, had acted outside its brief and its members had their own agenda.
    Cr Mowat said: “The mischief was not in the cartoon (it) was that a person employed by the Vibrant board, in the end, was revealed as the author of it.”
    Cr Mowat chairs the inner city steering committee, of which Vibrant Invercargill is a 50-50 partner.
    Given the circumstances, it was difficult for the board to distance itself from the incident, he said. The lesson from the Watergate scandal was that organisations could not absolve responsibility for illegal actions of their staff.
    Cr Mowat said Ms Reid, as the perpetrator of the cartoon, had publicly lied, “and if that sort of thing can lead to the impeachment of the president of the United States (Richard Nixon), then I don’t think it can be said that we’re over-reacting.”
    Cr Geoff Piercy said he did not believe Ms Reid acted alone: “I think it was a deliberate ploy . . . it’s dirty tricks.”
    A subcommittee was formed and given two weeks to review the objectives of the inner city steering committee and its relationship with Vibrant Invercargill, and to ask whether it was working and what alternatives were possible.
    The review was timely for credibility’s sake and to ensure the city upgrade did not suffer, Cr Bruce Pagan said.
    Board member resigns, Page 3

    • Kylie October 7, 2013 at 10:39 pm #

      OMG!!!!! I am soooooo jealous! I want your filing system!

      • cracker666 October 7, 2013 at 11:01 pm #

        Just easy monthly payments of $29.95…lol

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