Tag Archives: Bluff

Thanks Fred

19 Feb

Well, tomorrow is the hearing for Flat Hill Wind Farm and an editorial of Fred Tullett’s gave me some more food for thought.  I have to now take the baby so don’t anticipate actually being able to speak (or sit and listen).  I will have to pop in and out.  I have prepared my speech which surprisingly enough is rather brief.  I will have some printed copies in case I can’t stay.

I am standing firm on the belief that this will open the door for the ridge line to be scattered with structures.  My argument is not based on the effect these particular structures will have on the environment but the impact on the environment of this proposal by, in effect, removing the Outstanding Natural Feature and Landscape protection afforded to it by the District Plan (under RMA)

I don’t know if it’s what they can consider but I feel strongly about it so thought that’s the best any of us can do…argue for what we believe and hope it’s enough.