Too Much Spin For My Liking

28 Feb

From today’s Bluff Beacon

Bluff Urban Renewal – Cr. Neil Boniface was present to discuss his council portfolio
of Urban Renewal. After hearing council’s vision for this portfolio the board decided
to call a public meeting to allow residents to give their views on what they would like
to see for Bluff. The board would envisage a Community Development Committee,
exclusive of community board representation to be formed at this meeting.

That’s not how it happened according to my sources.  Cr Boniface suggested the public meeting and you went along with it.  And wasn’t it the public meeting that he suggested be independent of the Board? (and therefore not orchestrated).

If there is a Community Development Committee then surely that’s up to the people with an interest.  If a Board member wants to join, then so be it, just as long it is clear whether they are attending as a resident or a Board member.  I only say that because I know some were perturbed to find out their business was being reported at community board meetings as a member’s report.  Stalin’s rule has put an end to that though I suppose!

If the Board ever want to support or endorse (or fob off) the views of the committee in the future it may be necessary to have someone involved.  Or an easier way would be to ASK the committee to report progress regularly.

Interestingly, I might know some people already involved in the idea of Urban Renewal?  Hmmmm, might need to consider zoning issues first though?  It seems Linda Bell was ahead of the game…could it be she knew something was coming up?

One Response to “Too Much Spin For My Liking”


  1. No Louise, We Haven’t And Yes It Is! « Whatever… - February 28, 2012

    […] read minutes and begrudgingly listen to recordings and make requests for more information.  As my previous post highlighted, you can’t believe what they are telling you.  You have to sift through the […]

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