No Louise, We Haven’t And Yes It Is!

28 Feb

Another from today’s Bluff Beacon

I am one of a handful of people who are opposed to a wind farm being established on
Te Turakanui a Rua also known as Flat Hill, the hill where Greenpoint is located.
I am disappointed at the lack of knowledge and understanding many of the local
residents have concerning the establishment of the wind farm. Some locals – and I am
referring to Bluff residents as well as those living at Ocean Beach, Greenpoint,
Greenhills and Omaui communities – have no knowledge at all of the proposal, others
have heard of it but don’t know much about the effects it will and may have on nearby
residents and the landscape of our area. There are others who don’t care too much
about it or are too busy to stop and think about the impact of it, and, of course, others
who support it.

My question is: Have we, as a community, had the opportunity to have a public
meeting to discuss the positives and negatives of this proposal which will significantly
and substantially change the landscape of our area?

Come on Bluffies! We are stuck with Tiwai and the languishing buildings of Ocean
Beach. If enough people stand up to be counted we can stop blight on our landscape in
this very special piece of paradise here on the south coast. We banded together to save
our pool, is our landscape equally important?

Please phone me on 212-8577, text 027 419 8882 or email if you
wish to register your interest in opposing this proposal.
Louise Fowler, Greenpoint

I will point out now that I do not know Louise and am not related (unless they came from Pontypridd or Devon).  I have heard that she tried to raise this issue at the Bluff Hill meeting but that’s it.  I have not seen her submission or anyone else’s for that matter, I’m still waiting on Council to supply them.

This lack of communication is what I am always going on about and the reason I read minutes and begrudgingly listen to recordings and make requests for more information.  As my previous post highlighted, you can’t believe what they are telling you.  You have to sift through the bullshit/spin.  The spin is most evident when you read that the Board received a Significant Project Category award for ‘The Retention and Upgrade of Bluff Swimming Pool’.  WTF, they didn’t/aren’t doing it and hindered more than helped as I mentioned yesterday.

I have grave concerns if the wind farm goes ahead as I’ve said many times before and in my submission.  I have contacted Louise to leave a message and I will send her an email.  I believe that if this progressed to Environment Court it would not fare well.  Unfortunately these things cost money but Save Central did it and I’m ever the optimist when it comes to community.

And yes I am well aware that 60 submitted in support and only 7 (or 9) opposed but it’s not hard for the ones who are benefiting to rally a few friends and until I receive the submissions I can’t tell where the supporters are coming from.

Remember what Save Central said

“Renewable energy should not be at the expense of the non renewable

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