Can ICC Think For Themselves?

11 Jan

Given I raised water restrictions with ICC on their Facebook page the other day and today’s paper has this…I wonder if they actually think for themselves?  Should have been reminding people long ago, water is a valuable resource!  Instead of having their bloody calendar on the home page they could have been reminding the sprinkler users (morons) about collective responsibilities.

2 Responses to “Can ICC Think For Themselves?”

  1. Dave Kennedy January 11, 2012 at 11:45 am #

    It will take a while for people to realize the true value of water when it generally appears to be an endless resource in Southland. The campaign on water quality and protecting the Waituna has lifted awareness about the quality of water, Kylie, but it may take a real drought to make people realize we shouldn’t take availability for granted as well. Those who rely on rainwater will have a better appreciation.

    • Kylie January 12, 2012 at 9:14 am #

      I remember having tanks when I was a kid and Mum would only have a Hoovermatic washing machine because she had control over the amount of water and the grey water was the only way we watered the garden.

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