What’s Up With The South?

19 Dec

I am constantly amazed by the stupidity of southerners, not just NZ it seems.  I watched the Top Gear episode where they traveled across a couple of southern US states.  One of their challenges was to ‘decorate’ each others cars.  In true Top Gear style they tried their best to embarrass each other, one had a reference to loving men and another had ‘I hate Country music’ written on it, the other, I don’t remember.  Amazingly it was the reference to country music that offended.  When fueling up the owner of service station, a middle aged woman, was disgusted and ranting and ended up ‘getting the boys’.  The usual pick-up loaded up with over-weight unshaven hill-billies with shotguns (of course) appeared.  Needless to say they made a hasty retreat (Top Gear not the hill-billies).

Why the hell does a persons view or taste impact southerners like that?  While in Bluff it’s a little more subdued but still quite red-neck in some ways.  Why would someone you’ve known all your life stop saying hello or waving just because you have expressed a different view from them?  Can a difference of view on ONE issue change a relationship?  How red neck is that?  I’m sorry but that shows a lack of intelligence and reiterates the opinions others have of southerners.

Sort of answers why there are so few comments (publicly) on this blog.  It’s the impact of people that can’t separate people and issues.  If you were friends with someone for 20 years why would that change overnight because you have a different view on ONE (or even ten) issues?  The person hasn’t changed nor has their view on the issue, only difference is, now you KNOW!

It is those people who will allow the town to stagnate and die just to preserve their narrow minded opinions:-(

One Response to “What’s Up With The South?”


  1. Are We Actually Southern Rednecks? « Whatever… - January 22, 2012

    […] mentioned in another post about the redneck nature of some people with regard to their narrow minded views but after a visit […]

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